Monday, August 04, 2008

How touching

So for the past few weeks I've been running a Faery's Tale campaign for a group of three kids - my 6 year old son, his 7 year old girl friend, and a 9 year old boy who is staying with the friend's parents' friends for summer.

The system, by the way, is brilliant for kids, I can't recommend it enough. I can see it petering out around age 10-12, but for 6-9 year olds (and maybe even smart 5's), it's fantastic, and serves as a perfect introduction to role playing. I can't tell you how enjoyable it is to see the kids actually role play, with no inhibitions. For this jaded 25-years-of-experience game master, running our little Faery's Tale weekly group is highly rewarding.

Anyhow, that's not what I wanted to write about. I got an email today from the folks who are hosting the 9 year old for summer. It included this quote (names abbreviated to protect the innocent; Z is the kid, B is yours truly):

"Either day is fine with us...another compliment for B is that Z donates part of his allowance to a charity and he is choosing diabetes because he has a friend in SD and B who have it and he wants to find a cure. (How sweet is that!)"



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