Friday, January 25, 2008

We'll see if this works

My last posting came shortly after I put in my last sensor... which lasted for almost two full weeks again.

Since then, I've been reading a lot about other people's experiences with the Dex, and have become intrigued with the notion of sticking the sensor on the back of the upper arm (that somewhat fleshy area that all of us seem to develop starting in our mid-20's or so). All those who have tried it are claiming great success, including better and more reliable readings and longer sensor life.

Well then. I am not one to shy away from new things.

So I just stuck the new one up there. It took help from my wife, who thankfully was not freaked out by the process. In fact, I must admit I was far more stressed simply because, well, my relationship with my Dex has been sort of an intimate private thing on the physical level to this point.

Shoot me, OK?

Anyhow, it went in easily, the prick was about the same as on an abdominal insertion, it's sticking well, and I have to say, it is FAR more comfortable to have it there then it is on my abdomen. I really truly hope it works out well because the difference in feeling is rather striking. Liberating, in a way. I also think it will make communications with the receiver while sleeping a lot easier, as my arms are normally not covered by a blanket (I love California), and definitely not by my body (as is the case ever so often when it's on my abdomen).


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