Thursday, December 06, 2007

More Dexcom Joy

So I eat my dinner...

First I have a minor trend established going higher. Since it's a minor slope I can determine quickly how high it will reach, and provide a small correction.

Later on, as a reverse trend suddenly gets established, I realize that my small correction was comparatively large because of the lowered carb intake. But the down trend is easy to notice on the Dex, and instead of realizing I'm hypoing when I hit 80 or even 70, I catch it at 140, eat something small, and it all sorts itself out before I go under 100. I am now stable at the 130-140 range, which is where I feel comfortable before bed time.

This is brilliant. Instead of making few big adjustments I get to make many smaller adjustments, which is a much more flexible and ultimately accurate way of managing things.

Christine gave me another good tip, which I am hoping to put to use tonight: apparently, the receiver unit functions better when it is higher than the transmitter. Thus I will put the receiver in an elevated position next to me and see if it has less missed readings.


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