Thursday, December 06, 2007

Tickled Pink

So I just had a quick conversation with the wonderful Christine, the Dexcom trainer.

Anyhow, as we're talking I mentioned to her I was writing the blog, and that I wrote this thing about this interesting element of the Dex that I was noticing about its behavior. I was a little sheepish when I said it had to do with trending...

She says: "it lags when going high and leads when going low".

I was right!

She then told me why this happens, which while not exactly what I was thinking, is rather close. Basically because the Dex is sitting subcutaneously it looks at cells rather than blood, and thus when changes occur they occur first in the blood (as sugar starts building up) when going high, and in the cells when going low (as sugar gets pulled into the blood stream). Thus the predictive trending.

I must admit that I am extremely tickled by having both noticed AND figured this out after only 12 hours of usage. I mean, imagine that! I get the sense that I'll be deriving serious benefit from this little gizmo, as I keep figuring other things out over time.


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