Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Navigator ruggedness?

I was sitting at my desk today working on my computer... nothing unusual. Kept checking the Nav, as I am wont to do. Pull it out of pocket, check it, put it back in... then suddenly, the screen is busted. I have no idea what happened; I made no sudden movements, did not change my normal behavior at all. But the LCD is definitely broken.

To Abbott's credit, I called customer service and they were very quick to ship me out a replacement device overnight. But now I am worried; how do I avoid doing this again? I have no idea what I did, to be honest. I can't connect the screen getting busted to any specific action I may have taken. It's freaky. The only thing I can think of is that the pressure from the pocket against my leg and thigh muscles must have caused the screen to break, but if that is the case... then we have a design issue, folks. This device needs to be rugged!


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