Friday, June 06, 2008


Allow me to be cynical for a moment, because I want to say this: environmentalists, by and large, are some of the most short-sighted people in the world.

It just gets proven over and over again. It does not matter where they hail from, they just seem totally incapable of thinking things through.

Public exhibit 1: decried by green freaks, it has been entirely and completely their successful politicking that has eliminated nuclear power as a viable option for energy. This even though there is not a shred of evidence that it has ever done anything truly bad, certainly not on the scale of - you guessed it - oil. In fact, Patrick Moore, the founder of Greenpeace has switched sides and now promotes nuclear... a few decades too late.

The result? $130 oil, $5 gas imminent, and global warming. And suddenly nuclear does not sound too bad, apparently. One might detect a note of irony there.

Public exhibit 2: still in denial about their direct and powerful contribution to oil dependency in the US, greenies decide that it isn't really as good for the environment as they apparently thought it had to be when they went after nuclear. Their solution? ethanol. Made from corn. Which we can actually eat, unlike, well, oil and uranium.

The result? 300% rise in the cost of rice, and going. Public riots in many developing countries. A real and imminent danger of starvation on a very large scale in many parts of the world. Food prices being driven through the roof.

I'm not even going to discuss their direct contribution to keeping those SUVs on too cramped roads due to their determination to resist all changes to public lands, even if they are for things like light and high speed rail just so they can "save animals and trees". No matter that the same animals and trees will be better served by a better ecology, and even more so if they were simply moved and confined to wide planned areas, improving their lives and allowing the creation of infrastructure. The world isn't getting any less populated, people. Not wanting to face the music is not going to make it stop playing.

There are quite a number of other striking examples, but the common thread is this: every time the green movement takes on something big, I get the chills. They are absolutely bound to make things worse, then blame everybody else while they ferociously seek a remedy that, in turn, creates yet another big problem. I have yet to see any of them actually apologize for their contribution to global warming because of their anti-nuclear idiocy, or to the loss of millions of lives from their zealous pursuit of the disruption of the food chain.

What's really amazing is how much sway they hold, even with all these large-scale, drastic failures that have such a negative total impact on each and every one of us. No industry lobby group has ever been this successful. Not even close.


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