Friday, December 07, 2007

If you're going to buy the Dexcom...

... please remember that it uses the Onetouch Ultra as its sole calibration tool.

I just had a chat with Christine and she mentioned I'm not the only one who wasn't taking this into account as part of my routine. The problem? I had just refilled the strips prescription for my regular meter (Freestyle Flash) a week before I got the Dexcom. Result: no strips for me until the next roll-through refill period.

Yes, they do tell you that, but it gets lost in the general excitement... it just needs to be stressed more, as in (hypothetical conversation between potential client and Dexcom rep):

Potential Client: so this gives me 288 tests per day? cool!

Rep: yes, indeed, isn't that nice? by the way, please remember that you are going to switch meters to the Onetouch Ultra, and must get your prescription changed to get those strips instead of your regular ones.

Potential Client: and I can shower with this, right?

Rep: oh yeah, it's water proof. Plus you should remember that you're switching away from your current meter to the Onetouch Ultra. Make sure to speak to your doctor about a new prescription for strips.

Potential Client: will it give me an alarm when I go high or low?

Rep: Absolutely. It has a fixed low blood sugar alarm, plus user-configured alarms. But there's one general alarm you can avoid if you make sure to have your prescription changed for your strips for your meter, because the Dexcom can only be calibrated by a Onetouch Ultra.

Potential Client: Wait, what? Onetouch Ultra? but I use ACME Uber-Meter II!

Rep: *sigh*

Well, I guess since the Dex will allow calibrations by any meter in a few months this is somewhat of a moot point, but still... I thought it was worth noting.

By the way, kudos to Dexcom who had come through for me with a few extra strips until I could get them switched with my insurance. But one cannot rely on that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Funny - is amazing how we can sometimes hear only part of what is said. Keep writing

Saturday, December 08, 2007 6:03:00 PM  

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