Thursday, November 23, 2006

Burn baby burn

This kind of thing is one my very few serious triggers... and the reason I absolutely detest (OK, "vehemently oppose" works here as well) every organized religion, regardless of its origin, belief system, or purpose.

When I moved to this country I was hoping I'd get away from religious fanatics influencing decision making at every level that matters. In Israel, the orthodox assholes command so much public agenda it's frightening. America has done a decent job at separating church and state, or so I thought. I dunno what to tell you, the last six years have struck a little too close to home. I hope that will change now that the reigns have been wrested away from the religious fanatics and zealots. But anyway, this post isn't about politics.

For people like David Paszkiewicz, all I can say is, burn baby burn, you and whatever "Jesus" you pray to. I hope you lose your job, get civilly sued together with the frigging school board who protects you, and lose everything you have as a result. And then maybe, just for karmic justice, get some chronic disease that makes the rest of your life miserable but doesn't kill you until you see everything you love and believe in crumple to nothing around you. Type I diabetes would do nicely, especially if it happens after you lose your health insurance.

Oh yes. Then I want to hear you try to prosletyze again about the how "god takes care of his believers" and how I "will burn in hell". I'll be the first one to spit in your face when you do. Jerk.


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