Thursday, October 12, 2006

Look, ma, no passport!

I just received my invitation in the mail to attend the US citizenship oath ceremony on October 27th...


I am SO excited about this... contrary to some others I've spoken to, I really want to be a citizen of this country, not just for the various benefits (usually financial) that seem to drive most applicants. I just really like it here. The good and the bad make for an equation here that just isn't paralleled anywhere else. Quite a number of people I've known from very early on in my life have said at some time or another that I was an american that happened to be born in another country; it's about time to correct that error.

When I got the letter in the mail I rushed into the house to open it and started jumping up and down when I realized it was, indeed, the last step in realizing a dream that I had since I was in my early teens, reaching the destination on a path that I had trod upon for over 20 years.

Me, a US citizen.



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