Monday, November 20, 2006

The best get rich scheme

You must have heard already about the UCLA student getting tased 5 times (two links here) for refusing to leave the campus library.

I gotta say, this is ingenious - a new get rich scheme. Here is how it works:

1) Create a disturbance in a public location, preferably with a lot of excitable young people around
2) When police arrives, push all their buttons and make sure that you also push the crowd's buttons by being as loud as possible, and screaming at the top of your lungs to make it clear to everyone just how much you are being mistreated
3) Get someone to videotape on their cellphone the part where you scream out like a stuck pig for the benefit of the camera, and then post it to youtube
4) Profit! (by filing a civil lawsuit)

Just a couple of things to consider:

1) The "stun" mode on a taser gun does not disable a person; it's painful, but not debilitating. The police never tased the guy's legs, and he therefore could stand up at any point in time. To prove this point, watch the video closely, especially when he is tased the third time, and notice him kicking his legs up in the air right after the taser gun is removed from his midsection.
2) Also listen to what he keeps screaming while supposedly being in so much debilitating pain. "Patriot act"? Or the classic "am I the only martyr", as he was continually trying to incite other students to join his little rebellion? listen closely, or you'll miss a few other gems.
3) ...

Oh, heck, I can go on and on about this. No point, really, you can find plenty of stuff around, even from people who were there.

But I'll tell you my opinion: this guy needed to be tased as many times as was needed to get him to comply, and the officers should receive a commendation for being so constrained and managing to avoid an actual riot. I'm surprised they didn't actually use more force in order to shut him up; I would at least have set my taser to a higher setting so he is disabled, then dragged him out. Heck, this idiot fully deserved to be taken out with a well-aimed smack to the side of his head with a gun.

I wouldn't be surprised if the little shit planned this all along.

And the really sad part is he'll probably win some massive damages from his lawsuit, because California is like that.

What a country.


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