Friday, November 24, 2006


I have had a chance to watch Borat and...

Oh... my... GOD!

This is an extremely rare thing for me to say, but:

Sacha Baron Cohen deserves to get every penny he gets from this show.

(although I do hope he goes back to the people of that Romanian village and shares a little more with them, now that the movie has been so successful).

I mean, this guy is brave. You need the balls of a bull to do the stuff he does. I'm shocked he didn't get seriously hurt a couple of times there... just goes to show how polite americans are I suppose.

By the way, not sure if you know that, but the movie is sort of a private joke for Hebrew speakers; Borat speaks Hebrew throughout the movie (when you think he is speaking Kazakh), and what he says has little to not relationship to what appears in the English subtitles. My friend and I were busting our guts every time he was speaking, and it was kinda funny because everyone around us thought we were crazy. If you speak Hebrew, you have to see this movie.


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