Monday, September 25, 2006

Oh, wow.

So I just wanted to share this with you, since it's so unsual to find good customer service experience from online stores these days.

I had recently placed an order through a store I had never heard of before, PC Connection. Today I had to call them to clarify a query, and was positively surprised as:

- I got a human on the phone almost immediately
- Said human was extremely pleasant (thank you Sharon!)
- Said human was completely on top of things even though I myself wasn't entirely clear at the beginning
- Said human referred me to another human in another department to handle another piece of my query
- Second human was also extremely pleasant
- Second human was also on top of things, and made sure to answer my question three different ways so I could feel comfortable, going as far as giving me her direct email so I can send her something while we were on the phone to ensure that I felt comfortable that she understood what I was trying to say (long convoluted sentence, but many CSRs I've dealt with would have been offended at my being so ornery, and certainly not remained so pleasant)
- Both humans were also entirely efficient, solving my somewhat unusual query that had multiple parts to it and which I asked several times in different ways quickly and rapidly
- First human went the extra 10 miles and actually called me back an hour later to make sure that I knew that everything was taken care of

I mean, wow. First of all, assuming they deliver as promised (which based on this experience I am sure they will) these guys have got my business going forward. Not only that, I'm getting them more business - my neighbor is putting in an $800 laptop order as I write this, and I am posting to my blog. They deserve it. Really wonderful. Two - heck, three - thumbs up from me.


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Wednesday, February 26, 2020 4:15:00 AM  

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