Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sad but true

A guy walks around the streets of Paris.

Suddenly he sees a little girl being mauled by a Rottweiler.

The guy immediately jumps on the dog, grabs him, and chokes him to death. Both him and the little girl suffer only minor injuries.

TV and newspaper reporters near the scene happen to see the incident, and all excited, come over to talk to the guy.

They ask him: what is your name? tomorrow all of Paris will hear about you and the headline in the newspapers will be "a parisian hero saves a little girl from a killer dog!"

The guy replies: but I am not from Paris.

So the reporters reply: that's OK. Instead, tomorrow all of France will hear about you and the headline in the newspapers will be "a French hero saves a little girl from a killer dog!"

The guy says: but I am not French.

The reporters keep going: oh, that's OK. Instead, tomorrow all of Europe will hear about you and the headline in the newspapers will be "a european hero saves a little girl from a killer dog!"

The guy, yet again, replies: but I am not from Europe.

And the reporters ask: so where are you from?

The guy says: from Israel.

"Oh!" say the reporters. Then tomorrow the whole world will hear about you and the headline in the newspapers will be "an Israeli kills a little girl's dog!"


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