Tuesday, November 16, 2010

National Opt-IN Day

So I'm sick and tired of the increasing use of FUD (that's Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) by everyone, everywhere.

As such, I would like to offer a counter-campaign for the idiocy called "national opt-out day" proposed for November 24th by people who have nothing better to do than to delay airport security checks through the country on one of the busiest fly days of the year.

I propose a "national opt-in day". I will personally let the TSA person know "I opt in" as soon as I get to the check-in line, even if they wouldn't otherwise ask me to go through the scanner. As a courtesy to you and everybody else in that same line that day, I will insist on taking the simplest, quickest route through security. And if the TSA checker who has to do this mind-numbing job for 8-12 hours a day behind the screen of the terminal that examines my body for hidden explosives somehow still manages to get aroused by my highly robotic-looking "body image" - all the more power to them. Personally, if that's the case, I think a Playboy's subscription in order.
