Saturday, February 24, 2007

5000 years of history in 90 seconds

This is a cool history lesson.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thank goodness.

Finally, a judge with some sense.

A few more decisions like this, and maybe people in this country will vaguely recall the notion of taking responsibility and accountability for their own actions.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Oh, Paul

This seriously tickles my funny bone...

(The original link no longer works; here is another summary of the "sock incident")

I feel for him though. I know I have no time or desire to even think about things like this, and if my wife didn't occasionally get me new ones, I'd be walking around with holey socks often too.

I think what's funniest about it is the reaction from some people. Embarrassing the US? Geez, people, have some self-esteem will ya?

Thursday, February 01, 2007


I don't know why this amuses me so much... no, wait a second, of course I know. It's because Sony is grudgingly admitting to having had their asses handed to them by Nintendo in this generation's console war. And because it looks like a nice lesson to be taught - if not necessarily learned, considering just HOW arrogant Sony generally is - a company that well and truly deserves to fail badly.

Not that I ever expected to say this, but I'm really rooting for Microsoft to firmly maintain second place in this arena, and letting Sony and Nintendo switch places around it.