Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Unexpected, but nice

So the medical examiner came in today to do our checkups for the new life insurance policies we're issuing.

In the application I stated what I knew as my height and weight - 6'4" and 212 lbs. I mean, weight is something that fluctuates, but one's height tends to stay more or less fixed... or so I thought.

The first surprise came when he measured me in at 6'2". That was such a surprise that insisted on doing it again. It came in at 6'2.5". So I stood against a wall. Finally we agreed on 6'3". I still think that's strange, but maybe I'm getting shorter with age.

Anyway, that wasn't the big deal. That came when I got weighed. Remember the number on my application? I tend to be conservative, and I thought I'd lost a couple pounds in the past few weeks, but imagine my shock - and delight - when the scale, after being calibrated, showed me as... drum roll please... 197!

To be honest, I don't believe it for a minute. I think I'm probably around 205. I've been struggling for a long time trying to get back to 195, which is what I consider my ideal weight, But you know something? the medical record says 197 now, and that's what I'm sticking with publicly.

Just don't tell anyone what I really think, OK?


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