Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dexcom catches a hypo... again

I just can't get enough of what this thing does for me.

I was cruising along nicely after dinner in the high 100's for a while, which is fine considering I just ate. I was reading some stuff, and going over some other stuff, and at some point I took another look at the little screen.

OK, who am I kidding? I look at it at least every 10 minutes. Isn't that what it's for?

Anyway, I get a very suspicious looking "???". A couple minutes later it gets confirmed - 101. I just dropped over 60 points in 15 minutes and hadn't even realized it. No Dexcom, no treatment; I would have hypoed before I even knew what was going on. Then I would have rebounded, had a terrible night, woke up with 300+, and screwed up at least a half day following. Been there, done that.

Not now, though. As soon as I saw this I went and downed some OJ and honey, a bit of candy. Result? I went as low as 72 before bouncing. No hypo, no liver release, and I'm guessing a much happier me for the next 12-14 hours.

My blood sugars used to play "Catch me if you can". Well, now I can.


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