Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hand in hand


Yes, the link is safe for work. It's ballet. A very special ballet.

And to the person who forwarded this to me - thank you for a tremendous five minutes of inspiration. This is beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're very welcome.
Funny thing *SPOILER ALERT* (though I try not to spell anything out, don't read this until after seeing the video)

I had my wife and kid see it, and after a few minutes we asked her (my kid) whether she notices something odd about the guy? Took her about a minute, and she wasn't sure if it counts as special, since after all, it didn't seem to matter. My wife was a bit amused. So I asked "and what about the girl?". Oh my. They both missed it. Amazing how irrelevant the dancers make it seem with their movement, even though their dance uses it as a subject.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:29:00 PM  

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